Monday, April 12, 2010

Date Night

I haven't gone to the movies in quite a while. I think the last time I went was when it was still freezing cold in Miami to watch "It's Complicated" (which John Krasinski from "The Office" did an amazing performance in). This weekend, I went to watch "Date Night", which stars Steve Carell (also from "The Office") and the oh-so-funny Tina Fey (from 30 Rock). These two delivered their comedy in a subtle way, allowing views to pick up on their witty comments. If you are expecting a forced type of comedic routine, do not go watch this movie. It is very much like their respective shows-- hilarious, but hidden within content.

I very much enjoyed it, laughing during almost every scene.
It's no wonder that Carell and Fey did well opening weekend. Both are loved and respected in the world of comedy by both fans and peers.

The movie beat out "Clash of the Titans", earning $27.1 million. YES!


  1. Based on your blog review, I may check out this movie. It's not something I ordinarily would see.

  2. I absolutely love Steve Carell!! The Office is one of my favorite shows and I don't watch 30 Rock but I've only heard good things. Dry humor makes me laugh so hard. I have to go see the movie, I would probably really like it.

  3. I am a huge movie goer. Watching movies is great, but the whole event of going to dinner and then the theater where you can eat popcorn and candy is such a fun night for me. I try to go to the movies every two weeks and was thinking about going to see this one until I read some bad reviews on it. I'm glad to hear you liked it, though! I'll probably still wait for it to come out OnDemand.
